Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Boost up your self confidence----Ten Tips

Boost up your self confidence----Ten Tips

Self-confidence is an essential key for a successful and effective way of life. A person who is having self confidence will always be a center of attraction. He or she can accomplish their goals very easily. On the contrary, people who have low self-confidence frequently finish up being losers. You have to boost your self-confidence if you real wish to perform well in your life. Here are some helpful tips that you can utilize in developing your confidence level.
1. Self-confidence can be found in people who possess a strong self- esteem they may be familiar with their personal value, and take action accordingly. An excellent method to develop your personal value is to scribble down your achievements each day. You may be astonished to know how many positive work you execute each day in your life, but which you do not observe. Once you begin analyzing this record, your self-confidence level will definitely increase.
2. Be aware of your goals, split your aims into smaller, more convenient tasks. Encourage yourself whenever you attain smaller goals. It will improve your confidence level, and it will make you to achieve bigger goals.
3. Get an adviser who can help out you to achieve your goal. Meet up your adviser frequently, and ask for his guidance and help as a routine. You may feel that you are learning some valuable things on a daily basis.
4. Mingle with public who are optimistic and helpful, who give respect and value to you give the same respect and value to them. Stay away from people who are pessimistic and dangerous. Such kinds of people lessen your self-confidence. They will insist you to stick on to your negative self. Finally, you get enclosed in their negative and pessimistic world-vision. Not anything can be more harmful than that. Avoid such people as quickly as you can.
5. Focus on how you find happiness in wearing new clothes and being well prepared. It makes you to feel good about yourself. People will observe you in a different way. Keep in mind that every one likes to be found in the group of elegant, smart, clever, successful and optimistic people. You also can become eye-catching if you give out a smart, positive out look. It can be easily differentiated between success and failure.
6. Don’t get scared of failures get them in your pace and move ahead. Tell yourself that next time you will accomplish something. Don’t commit the mistake of enabling your failures to overpower you. They will destroy your self-confidence. An easy method is to shrug your flaws as something insignificant, and undertake a new confront. Certainly, you should learn from your errors, and be practical regarding your talents. People who try to bite off more than you can chew often fail. You must not permit this one to occur in the name of self-confidence.
7. Keep your body healthy by controlling your diet and doing exercises regularly. A healthy and strong person is more energetic and attains more in his career and personal life. Physical strength, like self-confidence, shines on your face.
8. Have some interest to know what is happening around the world share this knowledge with your friends. Don't concentrate only on your task and on your troubles. Redirect your concentration to interesting things, and interesting tasks. This will make your mind happy and help you to improve your self-confidence.
9. Participate in some activities in which you are excellent, you might have shined at certain things in the earlier period and then discarded them due to shortage of time. Come back to those activities once more and observe the growth of your self-confidence.
10. Rise up new hobbies or skills that keep you engaged. It helps you to improve your self- confidence when you become more expert in it.

How to Answer The 64 Toughest Interview Questions

How to Answer The 64 Toughest Interview Questions

Everyone is nervous on interviews. If you simply allow yourself to feel nervous, you'll do much better. Remember also that it's difficult for the interviewer as well. 

In general, be upbeat and positive. Never be negative.
Rehearse your answers and time them. Never talk for more than 2 minutes straight.
Don't try to memorize answers word for word. Use the answers shown here as a guide only, and don't be afraid to include your own thoughts and words. To help you remember key concepts, jot down and review a few key words for each answer. Rehearse your answers frequently, and they will come to you naturally in interviews.

Question 1 : Tell me about yourself.

Question 1 : Tell me about yourself.

TRAPS: Beware, about 80% of all interviews begin with this “innocent” question. Many candidates, unprepared for the question, skewer themselves by rambling, recapping their life story, delving into ancient work history or personal matters.
BEST ANSWER: Start with the present and tell why you are well qualified for the position. Remember that the key to all successful interviewing is to match your qualifications to what the interviewer is looking for. In other words you must sell what the buyer is buying. This is the single most important strategy in job hunting.
So, before you answer this or any question it's imperative that you try to uncover your interviewer's greatest need, want, problem or goal.
To do so, make you take these two steps:
1. Do all the homework you can before the interview to uncover this person's wants and needs (not the generalized needs of the industry or company)
2. As early as you can in the interview, ask for a more complete description of what the position entails. You might say: “I have a number of accomplishments I'd like to tell you about, but I want to make the best use of our time together and talk directly to your needs. To help me do, that, could you tell me more about the most important priorities of this position? All I know is what I (heard from the recruiter, read in the classified ad, etc.)”
Then, ALWAYS follow-up with a second and possibly, third question, to draw out his needs even more. Surprisingly, it's usually this second or third question that unearths what the interviewer is most looking for.
You might ask simply, "And in addition to that?..." or, "Is there anything else you see as essential to success in this position?:
This process will not feel easy or natural at first, because it is easier simply to answer questions, but only if you uncover the employer's wants and needs will your answers make the most sense. Practice asking these key questions before giving your answers, the process will feel more natural and you will be light years ahead of the other job candidates you're competing with.
After uncovering what the employer is looking for, describe why the needs of this job bear striking parallels to tasks you've succeeded at before. Be sure to illustrate with specific examples of your responsibilities and especially your achievements, all of which are geared to present yourself as a perfect match for the needs he has just described.

Question 2 : What are your greatest strengths?

Question 2 : What are your greatest strengths?

TRAPS: This question seems like a softball lob, but be prepared. You don't want to come across as egotistical or arrogant. Neither is this a time to be humble.
BEST ANSWER: You know that your key strategy is to first uncover your interviewer's greatest wants and needs before you answer questions. And from Question 1, you know how to do this.
Prior to any interview, you should have a list mentally prepared of your greatest strengths. You should also have, a specific example or two, which illustrates each strength, an example chosen from your most recent and most impressive achievements.
You should, have this list of your greatest strengths and corresponding examples from your achievements so well committed to memory that you can recite them cold after being shaken awake at 2:30AM.
Then, once you uncover your interviewer's greatest wants and needs, you can choose those achievements from your list that best match up.
As a general guideline, the 10 most desirable traits that all employers love to see in their employees are:
1. A proven track record as an achiever...especially if your achievements match up with the employer's greatest wants and needs.
2. Intelligence...management "savvy".
3. Honesty...integrity...a decent human being.
4. Good fit with corporate culture...someone to feel comfortable with...a team player who meshes well with interviewer's team.
5. Likeability...positive attitude...sense of humor.
6. Good communication skills.
7. Dedication...willingness to walk the extra mile to achieve excellence.
8. Definiteness of purpose...clear goals.
9. Enthusiasm...high level of motivation.
10. Confident...healthy...a leader.