Sunday 4 November 2012

Only One Person Gets the Job!
Give Yourself a Professional Edge and
Leave Everyone Else in the Dust
So how are you supposed to compete against hundreds of other job seekers?
You may have the most experience and education, are well-qualified and may be the best person for the job -- but even the best person still has to prove WHY they are the best.
Before you can prove you are perfect for the job, you need to understand the employers needs.
  • What do they want?
  • Why are they asking me this?
  • What do they mean?
  • How can I prove I'm the best?
Now imagine for just a minute -- what if you knew exactly what your interviewer was looking for? What if you could read their minds? What if you had an endless library of 'golden answers' at your fingertips and could dish them up at will?
How do you think you would do now?
Imagine walking into your next interview -- confident, well-prepared and ready to answer any question your interviewer asks while effortlessly rattling off perfect answers that leave your interviewer with an outstanding impression of you and your abilities.
Getting hired would be much easier, wouldn't it?
So how can you walk into your next interview feeling confident, prepared, ready to tackle any question your interviewer throws at you and improve your odds of getting hired?

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